We are looking to hire a new Youth Director who will work with our middle school and high school students. In addition to leading regular Sunday School classes, the Director will create and lead regular social gatherings for the youth, service projects, and mission trips. The position is part-time with an expectation of approximately 10 hours per week, with added flexibility during the summer. Read the full job description here >

Email Pastor Ed with any questions!


The women's bathroom renovation is now complete! Thank you for your patience during the construction. In addition to a remodeled women's bathroom, we now have an ADA-compliant family restroom. The entrance to the new restroom is located in the same hallway on the same side as the door to the main women's restroom across from the bulletin boards.


Our August book is THIS TENDER LAND by William Kent Krueger. We will meet on Monday, August 26 at 5:15 pm at Upland Brewery on 82nd St. For questions about the book group, contact Alice Miley.


This is a synod-wide event to recognize the importance of service to our church community. We have five activities scheduled for the Weekend of Service:

Satuday, Sept 7:

  • Changing Footprints 12:00 noon - 2:00 pm, coordinated by Lisa Stocks, 317-417-8473. Need about 20 volunteers, any age. Will be sorting shoes. Location: 10291 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis 46290 You can drive there directly or contact Lisa about carpooling from church.
  • Outreach Indiana  10:00 am - 12 noon, coordinated by Vickie Bass, 317-627-6309. Need about 12 volunteers, age 16 and over. Cleaning, sorting and other activities. 2416 E New York. You can drive there directly or contact Vickie about carpooling from church. 
  • SAWs Build  Mary Ordo will fill in for Rick Westwick to coordinate this event. Details will be available closer to the event. Please signup on the SAWs website. Contact Mary at 317-691-5582 or Rick at 408-802-7252.
  • Prayer Warriors – Need 10 volunteers. Provide support for this important project through your prayers. A perfect opportunity for those unable to attend the other projects. 

Sunday, Sept 8:

  • Salvation Army scarves  After worship at church. Any number of people can participate. No signup required.
  • Prayer Warriors – Need 10 volunteers. Provide support for this important project through your prayers. A perfect opportunity for those unable to attend the other projects. 

Wear your yellow Gods Work, Our Hands shirt if you have one!



Education Kickoff

Please join us for Rally Day on September 8 to kick off our education program year. We will have games and activities for all to enjoy beginning at 9:15 am. Join us for fun and fellowship and you can also find out more about our upcoming children and adult education classes that will begin on September 15. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa at

Rally Day Lunch

Rally Day Lunch is September 8! The fellowship team will be providing a pulled pork lunch and sides after worship. The congregation is asked to provide fruit, dessert, and help with set-up and clean-up. Contact Ray Smith with questions.



Stephen Ministry classes begin the week of Sept 9 and will conclude the first week of January, 2025. A list of the class topics are posted on the Stephen Ministry bulletin board in the hallway. The daytime classes will last approximately 90-120 minutes with some homework. Breaks in classes will be made for Thanksgiving and Christmas. If you are interested please speak with Pastor Ed or Ron Hanson.


Starting September 15, join Pastor Ed on Sundays at 9 AM. The class series will last five weeks and we will discuss the topic of Christian Nationalism. Email Pastor Ed to receive pre-class readings. 

Classes will be held:

  • Sept 15, 22, 29
  • Oct 6, 13


Calling all softball and kickball players! On Sunday, September 15, Cross & Crown will be joining Allisonville Christian Church at Lawrence Central High School at 4:00 pm for games of softball and kickball. 

  • Players of all ability levels ages high school and older are needed to field a softball team comprised of both men and women. 
  • Kickball is open to grade school, elementary and junior high youth and adults with a youthful perspective! 
  • A picnic dinner will be served and there will be some activities for children who are too young to participate in the kickball game.
  • Of course, the more spectators the better to cheer on our teams!


Central High School, 7300 East 56th Street, Indianapolis, at 3:30 p.m. for the 4:00 pm start of the games. 


Parking will be in the parking lot directly south of the Lawrence Central High School football stadium.  Please register for the event by using the following Sign-Up Genius link.  


Please see or contact Tom Grau: phone 317-696-9419 or Rick Westwick: phone 408-802-7252 with questions.


Children's Sunday School - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED

We are looking for volunteers to help with Children's Sunday school which begins on September 15. We need 3 volunteers each week to help lead our Sunday school classes. 

Click the button below to see dates and times that volunteers are needed. Snack signups are included as well. Volunteers are welcome to lead just once or on a more regular basis. Any time you can offer is valuable! 

If you have any questions, or would like more information about volunteering, please contact Lisa at



Mission Trip 2025: Your Input Needed!

We are hoping to put together a mission trip for adults (18+, possibly 16+) in the summer of 2025. As our planning team prepares to meet at the end of August, we welcome your input with FIVE simple multiple choice questions. Please help us out, and complete the survey for the mission trip! 



Check out the Kids Corner in the narthex on Sundays for a variety of activities. The table will be open both before and after worship with activities for kids of all ages. If you would like to help plan or lead an activity, please email Lisa Stocks


Thank you to all musicians who participated in summer musical offerings. If anyone in the congregation wishes to continue to offer music in worship during

the prelude or postlude from September to May, please reach out to Gayle Sarber and she will make it happen.

Cross and Crown vocal choir will resume rehearsals on Wednesday, September 4 at 7:00 pm. If you can sing a hymn you are welcome to join the choir! 

If you're interested in handbell choir, please contact Gayle as well. Practices are held on Sunday immediately after worship. There is always room for additional people!


About Outreach Indiana

During “Summer Days Together,” we first met the folks at Outreach Indiana. Their mission is focused on homeless teenagers and young adults (approximate ages are 16-25). 

They provide meals Monday, Wednesday and Friday, a computer room, a homey place where their clients can shower, shampoo, do laundry, get clothing, bedrolls and personal hygiene items. The counselors work with these young people to help them better their situations—obtaining additional schooling, finding housing, work, medical attention as well as spiritual guidance.

Clothing Drive

They always have a need for new or gently used age appropriate clothing, as well as personal hygiene items.

The Christian Service Team would like to reach out to the congregation and ask for donations of gently used or new “age appropriate“ clothing as well as personal hygiene items.

Most-needed items (at this time) include:

  • New men’s boxers & boxer briefs (all sizes)
  • Tents
  • Women’s sports bras (all sizes)
  • Women’s socks
  • Men’s socks
  • Men’s jeans (all sizes)
  • Ladies stretch pants (all sizes)
  • Travel size personal hygiene items (if you save the ones from your hotel stays, those are perfect)
  • Ladies tops: sizes small to 2x
  • Men’s shirts: sizes small to 2x

You can place your donated items in the collection box in the narthex. Thank you for your support and willingness to help the young people being served by Outreach Indiana. If you have any questions, please contact Vickie Bass.


In previous years, many of our members have created artwork for each Sunday’s reading. It was featured on bulletin inserts, sanctuary screens, and the hall bulletin board. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Our community has been deeply blessed by this creative and faith-filled art!

For 2024/25 we are excited to announce a new opportunity for artists of all ages and skill sets within our community! Pastor Ed has proposed a new Narrative Art Project: “to enhance the worship experience at Cross & Crown…to journey through the overarching story of Scripture.”

Overview of Two New Approaches to Our Artwork

  1. Seasonal Bulletin Covers: With background information given from Pastor Ed, artists will consider the biblical and liturgical themes and images for their designs on bulletin covers (Reformation, Advent, Lent, ‘Ordinary Time’ etc).
  2. Bulletin Doodles: Artists will create their original small drawings for personalized touches throughout our worship bulletins (Gather, Psalm, Creed, Blessing, etc).

Your artistic talents can bring these themes to life and enrich our worship experience.

Sign Up

If you feel called to contribute, please join our 2024/25 Design Team! Sign-up poster in the Narthex. Specifics for artists will follow in the coming weeks.


Ask Pr. Ed, Carolyn Ramsey, or Pam Ruble

Sharing Place

Volunteers Needed

The Sharing Place is in urgent need of additional volunteers. They have several areas where you can help: shoppers, sorting/stocking, and housekeeping. 



Also, keep those donations coming! Corn Flakes, egg noodles, pork 'n beans, spaghetti and sauce, toilet paper or money to Stan. Thanks for your help. Let's keep up the good work!


Becoming a Stephen Minister is a life-transforming experience…an opportunity to serve God, help others, and grow in faith. Through a series of regular articles in the Connection, we will share what it means to become a Stephen Minister.


What Do Stephen Ministers Do?

Stephen Ministers make a real difference in the lives of people who are hurting. They walk alongside people going through life challenges like grief, divorce, a medical crisis, job loss, and more. They offer care, support, and encouragement, connecting hurting people with Christ’s healing love during some of the hardest times in their lives.

Stephen Ministers see God at work through their ministry. While trusting God is at the core of their ministry, Stephen Ministers regularly say how their faith deepens as they experience the training, learn to use distinctively Christian caring tools, and witness God at work in the lives of their Care Receivers.

Upcoming Classes

Stephen Ministry classes begin the week of Sept 9 and will conclude the first week of January, 2025. A list of the class topics are posted on the Stephen Ministry bulletin board in the hallway. The daytime classes will last approximately 90-120 minutes with some homework. Breaks in classes will be made for Thanksgiving and Christmas. If you are interested please speak with Pastor Ed or Ron Hanson.

Learn More

For more information about becoming a Stephen Minister please contact Pastor Ed at (317) 849-4500 or Ron Hanson, Stephen Leader, at (317) 430-2173 for a confidential conversation. Classes will begin in September at Cross & Crown.

Email Chris Lantz with Questions

Text Alerts

If you would like to be included on the church text alerts, send Chris Lantz an email with the mobile phone number you would like to receive the messages. This method of communication will not be used for prayer requests. 

Simply Giving

If you are tired of writing checks for your offerings and would like the convenience of electronic giving, then we invite you to consider the Simply Giving program. Contact Chris Lantz for details.


It takes financial resources to accomplish the work God has called us to do. Your generous offerings enable Cross & Crown to fulfill its mission to grow in faith, serve all in need, and gather every person to Christ. Our giving funds the daily operations of the church, fuels special projects, and supports our many core and outreach ministries. Remember our offerings are an important part of our worship even though we are not meeting in person.

Giving Options

  • Cash or Check - Checks should be made out to “Cross & Crown Lutheran Church.” At in-person services, checks or cash can be put into the offering basket. You can also mail your offering to Cross & Crown Lutheran Church, 5233 E. 79th St., Indianapolis, IN 46250.
  • Electronic Giving  If you would like to give via regular automated withdrawls, you can find more information and a sign up form here. Complete the form and mail it into the office along with a voided check.
  • Donate Online - We also offer secure online donations via our site. Click on the button below to make an online donation.

Section Title

Type the content for this section here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this section. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this section, you will see the filler text disappear, and you can begin typing your real content. We’ve simply put in filler text in this area. No need to get caught up in the actual content of this body text, we just typed a bunch of meaningless sentences.

If you get anything from this text, please understand that this is just example text to give you a feeling for what your real text might look like. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this section, you will see the filler text disappear, and you can begin typing.


If you find your self in financial hardship during the pandemic, Cross and Crown has a designated fund, called the Joy Fund, to help with unexpected nonrecurring expenses. Email Stacy Reid for more information.